Meet Our Equines
Our Equines

About Grady
Dun dappled pony gelding, PPID, 25 yo, limited vision
Grady is a handsome and sturdy dappled dun pony with a thick, white mane and tail. He is 20 years old. He is a sweetheart! He is easy to handle for everything, including hoof trims, vet care, socializing and loading.
Grady arrived in rough shape. He had a seriously damaged eye which was surgically removed July 2018. It has been determined by two veterinarians that the sight in his right eye is limited. He can see very little but he is still friendly and happy. He does receive medication daily to treat PPID. At a hoof trim on 12/10/2018, our farrier said Grady’s feet appear normal. He has been wormed, received micro-chips and had dental floats.